I am 60 years old. I am a Libertarian Conservative. I believe in limited government and free markets. Before you label me 'One of those Kooks', note that I read Von Mises, Rothbard and Hayack. I mostly agree with Friedman and Thomas, but have some issues with Stiglitz. I have read the BNAct and Statutes. (In fact I used to quote sections at length in years past.) I believe that our current Constitution is a limp rag written by a bunch of progressive lawyers.
The purpose of a duly elected Government at any level is the same. That is to meet the needs of present and future people within that jurisdiction. Note that I say 'needs' rather than 'wants'.
We all want our house values to rise, our taxes to fall, we want our water to be cleaner, our sewage to not smell. All of this costs money from somewhere. Planning and zoning can make house values rise dramatically by preventing others from building and moving to the area. Current residents like this, future residents don't. Green spaces and Parks enhance property values by using public money to improve existing resident's aesthetic value while punishing future residents.
Commercial developments enhance values by lowering taxes, but devalue property nearby. Progressives want you to force people to live in high density clusters which is largely why future residents want to leave where they live now. They site more efficient transit and services as an excuse. Please remember that needs come first, wants must have wide support, and be a betterment for future residents. I had the misfortune to be on a Regional Board that had extremely high utility costs due to previous boards having undersized the water mains in efforts to prevent development. The development eventually happened anyway, and we had to dig up the undersized lines years before projected, and replace them with larger lines.
As a former two term regional politician, I understand the issues you face. If you find yourself elected this Saturday, you will face immense pressure from an untold amount of pressure groups, all the way from one angry guy on the sidewalk, to the United Nations, (at least according to the front person wanting public money). Standing for public office is one of the most honourable and giving things a citizen can do. I commend you highly, but ask, please remember, when elected, you represent all the residents in total, not just the ones you think voted for you. You also hold our trust and must not break that trust.