Thursday, December 28, 2006

Military atrocity caught my eye.

I stumbled across a link on Kate's site that needs following. It lead me to Beacon Off where I found this-

"Well, guys. I just want to add another injustice to how the CF are being treated. As you know, I am at Addis Ababa with TFAA, supporting the African Union in Sudan. This month, someone in Ottawa has decided that our mission should have the Risk Level down graded from Level 2 to Level 1 and have our danger pay reduced. In addition, with Risk level reduced, the tax exemption was gone. This is retroactive to June 2006. Well, the pay system took all the taxes owed in one shot and for my Dec pay, I owed the Feds $11000.00."

I don't know who this is, or if it's accurate, but I emailed it to Randy Kamp (our MP) and asked for a reply when it is resolved.

Email your MP. Their email is found here.


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